Feed The Resistance: 6-Pack Brat Stew is paired with “Shower Bier”…AND…”The Tale of Midnight Bill” from Young Blood Beer Co.
It’s Memorial Day weekend…and ’round here, that means BRATFEST! Yes, Bratfest is a little different this year – but it’s happening again! And that is reason to celebrate! In honor of Bratfest, I found a fun Brat recipe that originated with a woman right here in Madison! A tip of the hat to Vivian Henoch for creating the recipe for “Six-Pack Brat Stew” – which she describes as “coq au vin without the coq or the vin…or cassoulet without the beans or the olé.” Dee paired the stew with a pair of beers from Young Blood Beer – the lighter “Shower Bier” and a Milk Stout with Toasted Coconut called “The Tale of Midnight Bill.”