Feed The Resistance: Alice in Dairyland Builds a Butter-Board!
Just by chance last week I met Taylor Schaefer, the reigning Alice in Dairyland for the state of Wisconsin. Taylor (Alice) introduced me to the concept of “Butter-Boards.” The boards intrigued me, so I invited her to come share the concept with the rest of the world. Taylor created two butter-boards for us this morning, one savory board with red onions, salt & pepper, and one sweet board with basil and honey. I also created a board with a variety of butters that I had infused with various herbs and special flavors. I made garlic-butter, basil-butter, and sage-butter, and then finished off my board with an andouille-butter. While we weren’t eating seafood today, that’s what I usually serve with the andouille-butter, shellfish is especially good with it.
Dee wasn’t in, but she left me some beer and notes on what to drink with each of the butters. For the sweet butters she recommended a Scotch Ale from Third Space Brewing. For the spicy she gave us a Modelo. Taylor also brought along a couple of Limburger cheeses to try, and Dee paired those with Hacker Pschorr’s Munchner Gold.