Feed The Resistance: Mediterranean Seafood Pasta!

This week is National Bike Week, and since bicycling is one of my big passions, I wanted to celebrate with something to get us all ready for a long ride.  There are a couple of things that have always been on my training table – 1) Fish (specifically Salmon), and 2) Pasta.  The Salmon is good for heart health, it’s protein-rich to help build muscle, it’s a great “recovery” food to eat after a big workout because that protein also helps repair connective tissues after a workout.  Fish is also a good food to help avoid slumps in energy, reduce stiffness in your joints, and it helps support high levels of serotonin – the “feel-good” hormone.  Pasta is easily digestable (so your not uncomfortable on that long ride), your body absorbs the carbs in pasta to create glucose, the main fuel for your body, and glucose is also important to the health of your brain – without enough of it, you can have trouble staying awake and focused.

So, with all that said – I went looking for a recipe that combines fish and pasta.  What I came up with is Mediterranean Seafood Pasta!  Not only does it do all of those things that I was looking for, it also looks pretty on the plate, and tastes great!  To pair with the pasta, Dee served a beer from Central Waters Brewing Company – “After Slice” is a Mexican Style Lager with Limes.  The citrus from the limes was a PERFECT match for the salmon!

Feed The Resistance is thanks to Brennan’s Market…Make your gatherings memorable with Brennan’s!