Feed The Resistance: Snoop Dogg’s “Gimme S’mores Pie” with Black Chocolate Stout from Brooklyn Brewery!
We continue with our Black History Month feature of recipes from great black chefs – this week we’re getting ready for both the Big Game…and Valentines Day, with a recipe from Snoop Dogg! As a chef, Snoop Dogg might not be at the same level as some of the others that we’ve been talking about – but he is one of the coolest guys in the world! His cookbook is “From Crook To Crook” and it features a whole bunch of great recipes, including a section full of ideas to serve on Game-Day! In the Game-Day section of the book was this “Gimme S’mores Pie” recipe that I thought would also be perfect to serve on Valentine’s Day. Two birds…one stone!
For the beer pairing this week, Dee looked for matching flavors, and served a Black Chocolate Stout from Brooklyn Brewing Company.