Feed The Resistance: Happy Festivus!
Another big holiday weekend is upon us! I’m talking, of course, about FESTIVUS! The traditional Festivus meal dates back to a Seinfeld episode from December of 1997, where George and his family celebrate the alternative to Christmas…Festivus. The meal served for the Festivus celebration was meatloaf. Since the late 90s, interest in Festivus has grown, with several websites popping up offering more ways to celebrate the holiday. It was on one of those sites that I found the recipe for “Kramer Style Mulligatawny.” When Dee and I were talking about the stew this morning, I forgot to mention the last instruction in the recipe… “Serve. Watch the knees buckle.”
To go with the “knee-buckling” stew, Dee played a little game of “Close my eyes and point my finger in the beer fridge” – and what she pointed at was a Heineken. And in the tradition of “It’s beer and food, how can it be wrong?” – the Heineken worked great with the Mulligatawny!